Several students and a teacher in a classroom

Empower me! Empower me with sufficient attention and tempered hyperactivity

Empower me! Empower me with sufficient attention and tempered hyperactivity



EMPOWER ME! project main priority addresses Social Inclusion. As described further, if people with ADHD symptoms do not receive appropriate supports, they experience poor quality of life, including in their educational/job trajectories and their social functioning; in fact, this target group tends to pursue shorter educational paths and to drop out from school/training before completing a qualification. Educational organizations are currently poorly prepared and equipped to face this specific problem, to grant this target group the benefits of the right of education for all. A condition as ADHD should not  affect youngsters' possibilities of succeeding in their educational/vocational path.  So, this project intends to enhance the access, the participation and the performance of disadvantaged learners, providing tools and useful methods to students as a way to ensure an effective successful transition from education/training to their adult life and in particular to a suitable and appropriate integration in the world of work. 

Furthermore, it refers to "Further strengthening key competences in VET" because it aims to increase and strengthen the key competence on "LEARNING TO LEARN" related to the ability to pursue and organise one's own learning, either individually or in groups, and the key competence on "SOCIAL AND CIVIC COMPETENCES" referring to personal, interpersonal, and intercultural competences and all forms of behaviour that equip individuals to participate in an effective and constructive way in social and working life, in accordance with the Recommendation 2006/962/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 on key competences for lifelong learning [Official Journal L 394 of 30.12.2006]. Both these key competences are crucial for VET students to acquire specific knowledge, skills and attitudes to improve their academic success and their active citizenship, their social and future employment integration. The project EMPOWER ME!  is also interested in improving the academic success and performances of students with attention disorders to strength and promote their ability to learn and to manage their emotional and behavioural disorders. The acquisition of key competences fits in with the principles of equality and access for all and to disadvantaged groups whose educational potential requires support. Working on these skills will enable participants to further develop sustainable investment, performance and efficiency in their organisations. 

The project is consistent with the EU policies and, in particular, with ET 2020 Objective 3 "promoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenship", Rethinking Education 2012 and Europe 2020 Strategy as it will lead to improve student's access to education/training and reduce the academic failure and the consequent number of student dropouts. Finally, the project will strength and enhance the competences of teachers/trainers/educators by supporting them to deliver high quality teaching, to increase the access and improve the performance of students with a high risk of early school leaving and reduce the number of dropouts.

The project intends to address the aforementioned priority in the VET sector by involving organisations working in this field (VET centres, organisations leading VET centers) in order to have the opportunity to test, pilot and validate the Intellectual Outputs within VET organisations and provide useful hints/suggestions to ensure innovative approaches and more attractive education and training programmes, in line with individual needs and expectations.

Data de Início

Data de Fim

Grupo de Investigação

Coordenador Interno
Membros Internos
Membros Externos
Rui Teles
Professor Adjunto
Escola Superior de Educação do Politécnico do Porto
SCS LogoPsyCom (Bélgica)
Civiform società cooperativa sociale (Itália)
Entidade Financiadora